
Bailing Out Shariah Law
Islamofascism: In bailing out AIG, Uncle Sam may have taken on more than he bargained for, including a constitutional fight over the promotion of religion. Earlier this month, as the New York-based insurance giant benefited from $153 billion in tax-supported bailout funds, it launched a business unit offering Shariah-compliant insurance products in the U.S. For […]...

Obama May Be an Aloof President
by Michael Barack Obama and his family are vacationing in his native Hawaii, far from the wintry snows of Chicago — and far from almost every other American politician. There’s a metaphor here for how I think Obama is going to conduct himself as president: He’s going to try to keep his distance from […]...

Turnout in presidential elections hit 40-year high
Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — Enthusiasm among blacks and Democrats for Barack Obama’s candidacy pushed voter turnout in this year’s elections to the highest level in 40 years. Final figures from nearly every state and the District of Columbia showed that more than 131 million people voted, the most ever for a presidential election. A […]...

Republicans need to get back to business
by Star Parker There are now nine capable candidates vying for the chairman’s job at the Republican National Committee. The day of reckoning will be Jan. 29, when 168 committee members from around the country will vote their preference. The stakes are high this time around. It’s different when you are looking for a […]...

Formula for GOP recovery: traditional values PLUS limited government
by Star Parker Now that Democrats have won the White House and have widened their margin of control in Congress, does this signify that American voters have moved to the left? Many Republicans question this claim. And a new report from the Pew Research Center seems to verify that America is still a right […]...

Obama’s Pro-Growth Economic Team?
by Lawrence When President-elect Obama had a chance to squash the tax-hike threat once and for all at his news conference Monday, he took a pass and let the question linger for another day. But his new economic cabinet appointments strongly suggest there will be no tax hikes next year. Stocks, for one, like […]...

Time for perspective on election’s numbers
Time for perspective on election’s numbers By Jonathan V. Last Political myths take hold as quickly as urban legends, and often with even less supporting evidence. Someone stands in a particularly long line on Election Day and decides that it signals a once-in-a-generation eruption of civic engagement. But anecdotes are not data. We now […]...

GrassTopsUSA Exclusive CommentaryBy Don Feder 11-17-08 Back in the 1980s, during the euphoria of the Reagan-era, Neo-cons like Norman Podhoretz and Irving Kristol predicted a seismic shift in Jewish voting patterns. Once American Jews discovered that voting Republican was crucial for the survival of the Jewish state, they’d naturally align themselves with the party that […]...