Our words have power,
and we use them to amplify your message.
Do your words sell?
Would you like them to?
Is your writing topical and on message?
We know how to utilize various elements of style and convince an audience to purchase your products, donate to your cause or vote for your candidate.

Our copywriters prove that
The pen is mightier than the sword
Our copywriting services include:
- ghostwriting manuscripts
- whitepapers
- copy editing
- blog writing
- speech writing
- email and direct mail fundraising letters
- email and direct mail marketing pieces
- brochures & palm cards
- organizational letters
- strategy documents
- website copy
- featured articles
- opinion-editorials (Op-eds)
- Letters to the Editor
- talking points
- polling/survey questions
- focus group questions
- scripts for television and radio
- press releases
- social media updates
- Twitter™ postings
- Wikipedia™ entries
- Attention grabbing email subject lines
- Article headlines
To learn about how Alliance Strategies Group can provide copywriting services for your company, please contact us at (561) 336-0040, info@asgroupinc.com or tweet us @asgroupinc.