Tag Archives: Barack Obama

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Fictitious Donors Found in Obama Finance Records

By MICHAEL LUO and GRIFF PALMERLast December, someone using the name “Test Person,” from “Some Place, UT,” made a series of contributions, the largest being $764, to Senator Barack Obama’s presidential campaign totaling $2,410.07. Someone identifying himself as “Jockim Alberton,” from 1581 Leroy Avenue in Wilmington, Del., began giving to Mr. Obama last November, contributing […]...
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10 Concerns about Barack Obama

By William J. Bennett & Seth Leibsohn 1. Barack Obama’s foreign policy is dangerous, naïve, and betrays a profound misreading of history. For at least the past five years, Democrats and liberals have said our standing in the international community has suffered from a “cowboy” or “go-it-alone” foreign policy. While politicians with favorable views of […]...
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Obama slips on TV: ‘My Muslim faith’

WND ELECTION 2008Presidential candidate drops line in interview discussing his belief Posted: September 07, 20083:42 pm Eastern By Aaron Klein© 2008 WorldNetDaily Slip of the tongue or momentary confusion? In a television interview today discussing his religion, Sen. Barack Obama stated, “My Muslim faith.” Obama, speaking to ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on “This Week,” was talking […]...
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By Don Feder 09-09-08 www.grasstopusa.com Ever since John McCain announced Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate, the left has been in irony overdrive. Among other raps, McCain is charged with tokenism for choosing a woman as his running mate — unlike the Democrats, whose choice for president had nothing to do with race, […]...
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Barack Obama through Muslim Eyes

by Daniel PipesFrontPageMagazine.comAugust 25, 2008 How do Muslims see Barack Hussein Obama? They have three choices: either as he presents himself – someone who has “never been a Muslim” and has “always been a Christian”; or as a fellow Muslim; or as an apostate from Islam. Reports suggests that while Americans generally view the Democratic […]...
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Obama’s Muslim affairs coordinator resigns

Posted: 08:43 AM ETFrom CNN Political Producer Alexander Marquardt (CNN) — After barely a week on the job, Barack Obama’s Muslim outreach adviser resigned from the campaign after an old business connection with a fundamentalist Islamic imam surfaced last week. Mazen Asbahi, a Chicago corporate lawyer, stepped down Monday after joining the campaign on July […]...
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Illegal Obama donors: Middle Eastern Arabs

Posted: August 04, 200811:17 am EasternBy Aaron Klein© 2008 WorldNetDaily JERUSALEM – Palestinian brothers inside the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip are listed in government election filings as having donated $29,521.54 to Sen. Barack Obama’s campaign. Click here to read the entire article: http://worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=71431...